Before Renting Your Dumpster
Our rental process is built around you. When you call to place a dumpster rental order, be prepared to answer a few questions about your project so that we can be sure you're getting exactly what you need.

  • Who? You. Or your company. And your contact information.
  • What? Be aware of the type of & amount of material you are disposing. 
  • When? Pick a delivery date & plan a time-frame for your project.
  • Where? Know the location information & type of project(residential or commercial).
  • How? Have your payment information ready!

Friendly. Fast. Affordable.

At Driveway Dumpsters, we pride ourselves on excellent customer service. It's okay to have questions, because we have answers. We are locally owned and operated and we treat our customers like family. Our outstanding service includes prompt delivery and removal of your dumpster, so whatever your job may be- you can stay on schedule. All of this for one low price; the competition can't compare!

We offer residential and commercial dumpster rental service.

Whether you are a large company, a small business, or an individual looking to rent a dumpster, with Driveway Dumpsters you'll get the same exceptional service at the same unbeatable price! No matter the size of your project, we have the perfect dumpster for you!

Dumpster Rental

While You Have Your Dumpster
We've helped determine which size dumpster is best for your project and delivered it to you. So, what's next?

Most importantly: CALL WITH QUESTIONS. It's better to be safe than sorry!

After You're Done With Your Dumpster
(Or ready for another dumpster?) Call us to schedule your removal or exchange.

The removal process happens like this:
  • ​If your project has grown and you need another dumpster, we can easily deliver a new one when we remove the full one- just let us know!
  • If your project is complete, we will return and remove the dumpster according to the scheduled time.
  • Please remove anything blocking access to the dumpster and make sure the area is clear of excess debris. You do not need to be on site.


That whole dumpster rental process was easier than you thought, huh? The only thing left to do is save our contact information and get in touch with us for your next project. 

Oh, and don't forget to tell your friends, family, co-workers, and neighbors about your experience with us. Driveway Dumpsters truly offers the best dumpster for your dollar!
CALL US   (502) 255-1500